制作メモです。VAIOの打ち込みはSONARで、ソフトウェアシンセは付属のTTS-1のみ。ドラムスとベースとパッド系とSawのプリセット音だけです。ドラムスはJazz Setで、基本的にハイハットの16ビートでElec SnareとTimbaleをアクセントに使っています。ベースはFingered Bs。パッドはBrightness。このパッドなんですが、ツイートしたけれど、アズテック・カメラの「 Somewhere In My Heart 」をイメージしていたんですよね。あんな風にしたかった。これです。
Our feelings are refreshed when breathing deeply. Bodies take fresh air, and breathe out old air. "Sinkokyu" is a deep respiration in Japanese. I wrote lyrics with the deep respiration as the theme, and composed the song. Sheep of Lotuslounge sang this song. I'd like you to listen to this tune.
今回の曲は「QOL」といいます。Quality of LIfe(生活の品質)の短縮形です。ブログで公開します。お聴きください。
I think that happiness is a redundancy. All the arts like literature, music, and the movie, are not always useful for our life. But there is a value because it is useless. In the field of the business even if efficiency is necessary, it isn't necessary in private life. It is happy that we can spend surplus time. I made this tune thinking about the quality of the bountiful life. The title of this tune is "QOL". QOL is abbreviation of "Quality of life". I'd like you to listen to this tune.
クオリティ・オブ・ライフ(Quality of Life,略語:QOL)は、一般に人や社会の生活の質、つまりある人がどれだけ人間らしい生活を送り、「幸福」を見出しているかを尺度としてとらえる概念である。「幸福」とは財産や仕事だけではなく、住宅環境、身心の健康、教育、レクリエーション活動、レジャーなど様々な観点から計られる。したがって個人の収入を基に算出される生活水準(英:standard of living)とは分けて考えられるべきである。
I don't think that freedom means unrestrained conditions. Freedom is often accompanied by responsibility. If we lost our own order of responsibility, freedom collapses, and it becomes chaos. Chaos is opposite word of cosmos. It means "order " besides the meaning of "space". I made this tune with image of chaos and cosmos. So I named the title of this tune to "chaos cosmos". I'd like you to listen to this tune.
As you know, Rubik's Cube is cubic puzzle. Generally, the players rotate nine parts of six surface and adjust the color. I thought that I wanted to make the tune transposed like the Rubik's Cube using the looping sound. The title of this tune is "cubic loop". I'd like you to listen to this tune.